let go & find freedom

The past keeps holding you back.

You tell yourself you’re over it, but when something comes up in your day-to-day life that reminds you of what happened, it’s like you’re right back there again.

Maybe you’ve tried therapy before, but it seems like no amount of talking about it helps you feel more at ease. The feelings, flashbacks, and nightmares that follow you are completely overwhelming, and you’re exhausted just trying to make it to tomorrow.

It’s hard to show up 100% in any part of your life with how little sleep you’re getting, and focusing for long enough to get a task done feels impossible. Now, it’s like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of bad thoughts, and it’s getting harder to see a way through.

You’re tired of feeling caught in this cycle:

  • Feelings of guilt or shame

  • Intrusive thoughts

  • Struggling with relationships

how Brainspotting works

Heal from the root issue and grow

Experiences we have early in life have a long-term impact on our brains. The challenges you deal with now are rooted somewhere in your past, which informs your actions and reactions—even if you’re not aware of it.

Brainspotting is a type of therapy that helps people process and release emotional traumas or distress. It's based on the idea that our eyes are connected to our brain's emotional processing centers. By focusing on specific eye positions to “point to” and access memories and emotions, you can acknowledge them and let them go.

If your brain was a computer, it’d be like reorganizing all your files so you don’t feel overwhelmed by them anymore.

how EMDR helps

Free yourself from the wounds of your past

Scientific studies have shown that traumatic experiences physically change our brains. Imagine the things you do to cope — drinking, binge-watching TV, overeating, doom scrolling — are like bandaids on a wound that really needs stitches.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy that uses eye movements or tapping to help the brain reprocess memories of traumatic or distressing events. It's like giving your brain a gentle nudge to unlock those stuck emotions and allowing you to heal from the inside out. It doesn't erase the memory, but it can make it feel less overwhelming, giving you more control over your thoughts, feelings, and future.

imagine if you…

Had a greater sense of self-confidence

Understood the cause of your distress

Felt empowered and reclaimed your future

We want you to know:

Change is possible.

Let’s work together to help you develop resilience, understand the root causes of your struggles, build stronger connections, and fully realize your strength.


Common questions about Brainspotting & EMDR

  • The main difference between Brainspotting and EMDR has to do with the steps involved in the two techniques and the role of the therapist.

    Brainspotting focuses on a fixed eye position while EMDR uses bilateral stimulation via eye movements, touch, or sound. Other than finding the eye position there are minimal interventions or steps typically applied in Brainspotting. This is done to allow the clients instinctual and intuitive healing to occur without interference.

    EMDR follows a series of 8 steps that is led by the therapist and thus there is a more active and directive role in this process.

  • Both techniques work with bilateral stimulation, however it is not a required part of Brainspotting. Brainspotting works with a fixed eye position and bilateral stimulation via bilateral sounds or music as an optional accompaniment. During EMDR therapy bilateral stimulation via eye movement, touch or sound is the primary form of therapy.

  • Clients often report feeling a sense of release, relief, presence, and grounding after a session of either Brainspotting or EMDR. It is not uncommon for some clients to feel tired or as if they need a couple of hours to integrate after the session before feeling more like they are ready to engage in their lives as usual.

Ready to get started?

You are worth it.