Break old cycles, discover what’s next.

You have been through to much by yourself.

That’s how people know you: strong, determined, ambitious. But behind the mask you wear, you doubt if any of that is really true. When you look in the mirror, all you see is disappointment.

Everyone in your life relies on you in some way, and that’s how it’s always been. Lately, though, the pressure is really getting to you. There’s never enough of anything — time, money, energy, reciprocation. You’re exhausted and feel like you’re just surviving from one day to the next. The fear of letting people down keeps you pushing forward, but you lie awake at night wondering if the dreams you had for your life are long gone. 

In the little amount of free time you do have these days, you’re struggling to find joy in your day to day.

You’re tired of feeling caught in this cycle:

  • Feeling on edge

  • Unable to relax and focus

  • Racing thoughts and difficulties concentrating

Know this:

You can be seen, heard, and loved.

You’re probably used to bending over backward to meet people’s expectations. Now it’s time to be there for the person who needs you most: you.

Life doesn’t look how you want it to, you know that much. But even if someone did ask what you need to feel better, you’re not sure you’d know what to say. The feelings of hopelessness and loneliness that find you in quiet moments aren’t because you’re broken. They’re because you were never meant to walk through life suffering in silence, and you deserve to feel understood and cared for.


imagine if you…

Could lay down your burdens

Rediscover yourself

Find fulfillment you’ve always wants

we want you to know:

You don’t have to navigate this alone.

Let’s work together to learn how to best navigate what anxiety and depression feels like to you. With this, we can help you better understand your mind, your body, and learn how to heal in a way that actually helps you.


Common questions about anxiety & depression therapy

  • Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can impact our day-to day. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. However, how we store these feelings inside of our bodies can look different for everyone.

  • Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to navigate through your life in a way that best serves you.

  • Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with one of our therapists below. In the consultation, you can discuss what’s brought you to seek counseling and ask any questions you may have. If you feel ready, your therapist will get your first session scheduled and you’ll begin walking the path to healing together.

Ready to get started?

You are worthy.